I'll get it started then, here is what has happend to my state of the art Nokia N70. Lets know what you think. Now I dont know if the phone is water damaged. It could be, I just 'cant believe' that in these days of competitive technologies that here is a company that seems to be stuck in the 80's when it comes to customer service:
After using Nokia handsets for the last 14 years I recently upgraded my 6310 to the new N70 after an unfortunate incident with my old handset and the washing machine. I purchased the new handset under a 2 year plan and I am currently paying off 2 handsets.
4-5 Months into the new contract my N70 stops charging. I decide that there must be a problem with the charger and purchase a new one. Luckily before leaving the shop, I ask the attendant to check to see if it works on the phone. It didn’t work and the attendant proceeds to try numerous charges, none that work.
I rang the shop where I purchased the handset, and they advise me the phone is under warranty. They advise to either return to them or direct to Nokia. I made the journey to the Melbourne central business district filled in the forms, and the phone was returned for repair to Nokia.
2 weeks later I receive a call from the phone shop, saying my phone has been returned from repair. I take more time off work to gratefully receive my phone. When I present the docket, guy comes back and advised me that due to water ingress Nokia refuse to repair the handset. Not satisfied, as after the last phone I have been careful not to get the unit wet.
I discuss the situation with the shop attendant. I am thinking that there has been a miscommunication somewhere as the phone is working fine, just not charging. He tries a couple of charger units and then I notice he uses the same handset. I have 2 flat batteries, he kindly tries his own battery in the phone and no problem phone works. To keep me on line he lets me keep his battery, and gives me the number of the Nokia care centre. (2 days wok lost to date)
I ring the care centre, they assure me that a technician has looked at the unit, and in fact it has been damaged by water and the phone will not be repaired. If I like to return to the care centre they will open the phone in front of me to show me the water damage. (This of course would be 3 days lost) I argue that if the phone had been affected by water surely that the whole unit would not work, not just the charge.
Well trained the operator assures me that not only had the phone been damaged by water, but it was only a matter of time that the rest of the wiring will decline and they will not even repair the unit even if I pay for the repair.
Still not happy they supply me with another number of complaints, unfortunately sir you are a good customer but Nokia policy Blah Blah blah. At this stage I start using my wife’s Samsung phone. Difficult as I am used to the Nokia software but I get used too it.
Couple months latter I have some time off. A friend comes round and I notice he has the same handset. ‘No complaints’ I ask to try his battery, and my phone springs to life, no problem. Still not happy with my previous attempts and with some time on my hands, I search a couple of forum problems to see if anyone else is having similar problems. OHHH look, numerous people around the world are having problems with both the chargers and the handsets. Many unhappy Nokia customers. So I call the care centre. Discuss the problem. No we are unaware of any inherent problems with the handset. So I ask to make an appointment to come to the city so they can open the phone and show me the water damage.
Yes sir. First you have to come to the city with the handset and make an appointment. (Now this is a 2 hour journey both ways) then you can return a week later and we will open the handset and show you the problem. After much discussion with the operator on my value as a customer, the waste of time and money making the 2 trips, offer to pay for the repair, sorry we will not attempt to repair even at your cost. Finally an option. Post the handset to us and then in 5 weeks return to the city and view the water damage. All not acceptable.
I offer to take it to another repairer and if he finds no water damage they could then cover the cost of the repair. No an unauthorized dealer will void any warranty/ responsibility if he opens the phone.
So still not happy I make a complaint to the Nokia website. I attach over 10 complaints from web forums with people experiencing similar problems with the same hand sets. After all it tells me they care about their customers; let us know your problems.
A few days later I received a reply from Nokia, see attached.
Dear Mr. Barrett, Thank you for emailing Nokia Careline.I thank you for your feedback and please be assured that there isn't any inherent issues with the Nokia 70.Please be assured that Nokia is continually looking at ways of improving to provide you with better products and services. I assure you that each of Nokia customers are valued and Nokia does not treat your concerns lightly. Your comments and feedback has been forwarded to the relevant department for future consideration.You may like to visit our website at www.nokia.com.au for more information and support for your Nokia device. If you have further enquiries, please write to us again or contact Nokia Careline at 1300 366 733. We operate between the hours of 8am and 8pm EST, seven days a week. Please help us improve our service by completing the Nokia E-mail Satisfaction Survey at the following link: www.nokia.com.au/caresurveysKind regards,
Pat Selvaraj
Nokia Careline
Do you know you can now update your phone software at your own convenience? Visit www.nokia.com.au/support to check if your phone model is supported and download the "Nokia Software Updater".[THREAD ID:2-2TJO7F]
‘No inherent problems’ Still not happy I have filled in there customer Survey and asked them if they have assured the other 15 people of which I attached complaints that they also are imagining the problems with their handset’s.
Anyway keep it up, I certainly intend to. Nokia have got away for too long relying on peoples dependence on keeping the same brand phone, as they are used to its operation. Well I assure you after switching to my wife’s Samsung phone there are much better products on the market. Ditch your Nokia and buy a phone from a reputable company that knows how to keep a loyal customer happy, water ingress or not. It is not worth the stress dealing with a company with so little regard for its loyal customers.
I am currently collating similar complaints that I am finding online and sending them to Nokia, if you don’t mind I will take a copy of your complaint and forward it to them to let them know that this sort of practice is not acceptable.
Kind regards
Samsung handset user.
so there we are I feel better for getting that of my chest. Its good to be back, old page I know not used it for a while
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